This is the latest page I done in my wedding book.

This is how I get ready for the In laws coming to town!!!

I glass etched a dish for my MIL & someone asked me how to do it, so I done me another one & took pix & made step by step instructions for them, U can find that on my "how to" blog.

I feel bad the photo came out a little blurry, this was the last one I had to make for my friend.

Cards for my BIL & SIL, I LOVE the brown daisy paper.

I made these for a A-Z swap that I'm in, I signed up for letter M & D

I had a friend call & ask me if I could help her make a wooden sign, she was really pleased with how it turned out.

I got the Pooh & Friends cartridge for Mothers day, my kids each picked something to cut.

This card was for another friend!! Her sister asked her to make baby shower invites, she didn't want anything too girly (even though she was having a girl) We chalked the "blanket" but it doesn't show in the pic.

I made this card for MIL, for Mothers day, she LOVED it!!! (I thought she would LOL)

This was Grandma's Mothers day card.

This card & tile I made for dd's teahcer, for teacher apprecition. She LOVED it & couldn't believe that I done the tile, it was a GREAT hit!!
Check out this awesome storage for all your scrapbook supplies!
Awesome projects, LO's and cards:0)...LOVIN the wall art for In Laws....Amen
Sheri G
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